Thursday, June 2, 2011

News: Summer Garden Getting Started!

So after a hot end of spring and an early dose of 90 degrees the cucumbers all dried up, eggplants didn't make it, corn all bit the dust, and the peas died.  We have a bunch of empty beds except for the watermelons that aren't making it too great a bunch of tomatoes that are all starting to not look so good and a bunch of hot peppers.  Today we will be going to the local nursery to get some black eyed pea seeds, some summer squash plants, possibly some zucchini , and sweet potatoes! Also I will be using the new large sandy bed for my hot peppers! Ive got like 4 types of Habaneros growing some ghost chillies, a couple Trinidad scorpions, and a couple other hybrid extremely hot habaneros. Needless to say I like growing hot peppers! It may not look too pretty for the summer but as long as we get through it, it should look beautiful come fall! Keep posted for updates!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pics: Spring Starts!

 Newest Corn!

 Older Corn!

 New Big Bed!

 Sugar Snap Peas!

 Little Finger Eggplant!

Bright Lights Swiss Chard!

 Short & Sweet/Big Top Carrots!

 Rouge Tomatoes That Came Up From The Compost Pile!


 Cucs, Green Beans & Snow Peas!

 Snow Peas!

 Super Slicers!

 Kentucky Wonder Green Beans!

 Malabar Spinach & Purple Top Turnips!

 Purple Top & White Globe Turnips!

 Onions, Arugula & Potatoes!

 Red Pontiac Potatoes in Grow Bags!

Florida Sweet Onions (that aren't growing anymore)!

Monday, February 28, 2011

News: So Much Goin On!

Oh man we got so much stuff growing!!! Sweet corn 2 good sized rows!! cucumbers, green beans, snow peas, sugar snap peas, little finger eggplant, habaneros, cayenne's, hungarian yellows, malabar spinach, 2 types of turnips, 2 types of carrots, arugula, onions, red potatoes and edamame!!!! promise i will get some pics up tomorrow and hopefully a video!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

News: Started Planting!

So we've got the beds started!  We have a row of Sugar Snap Peas, 2 rows of Little Finger Eggplants, 1 row of Hot Peppers (Cayenne, Habanero & Hungarian Wax), 3 rows of Swiss Chard (Bright Lights), and a nice little corn section in the big bed!  Then a whole 12 ft bed of Sweet Corn about 9 rows of 6 plants! We got 2 types of carrots growing in the Super Raised Bed Short and Sweet and Big Top, and finally some arugula and the almost done florida sweet Onions. We finally got our 10 gallon growbags and planted some red pontiac potatoe set which have all burst through and are growing greens! I will get some pictures up soon! Were planning on doing a full long bed of Edamame and some more pole beans, probably Kentucky Wonders, then a bed of 2 types of turnips and some malabar Spinich! Still will have a bed or 2 open for suggestions!