Tuesday, October 12, 2010

News: Early Fall Veggies!

Fall Planting
It's October and finally time to plant some new fall vegetables!  We added a new 9' by 3' raised bed for some extra space to our ever expanding garden!  We now have 3 wood beds and I'm currently working on 2 more made from some cement pavers I found laying around the yard.  The new bed contains a bunch of transplants we purchased from our favorite local nursery including Broccoli, Cauliflower, Zucchini, Green Onions, and some Super Slicer Cucumbers.
I made the trellis out of some old pieces of wood I found at work and some safety wire I had laying around the garage.  I only could get my hands on 4 little transplants so its all I could plant.  We originally wanted to to a whole bed of different varieties of cucs but I think we planted a little late, so we planted what we could find.   

These are some Zucchini we planted way too close together, I will be transferring the one in the middle to the new bed when its done later today. 

In the other bed we have some tomatoes going that we got from a local flea market for 2 bucks a piece! nice big beautiful transplants that I couldn't help but picking up, I got 2 nice Celebrities, 2 Romas, 2 Super-sweets, a Moby grape (which I had never heard of) and a Big Beauty Eggplant. 
Heres another homemade trellis I made out of some recycled PVC and some nylon crab line I had in my tackle box.  These are the Super-Sweets and the Moby's. As you can see they are beautiful and starting to blossom. 

Heres the Big Beauty Eggplant! hopefully we will get a few big Eggplants from this little guy!

Then in the first bed we have some real nice Okra growing, along with some Georgia Collards I picked up last week. This bed was just cleared of about 15 Black Eyed Pea plants who produced like crazy!

Here are a few of the Collards.

We will add some new pics when we get the other 2 beds finished!

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