Sunday, January 16, 2011

News: Planning For Spring!

 We were hit hare by all the frost we have been having, however we got a bunch of broccoli and a bunch of cauliflower, also picking carrots and radishes right now. Our lettuce got huge and is ready to eat as well. We got all the Beds ripped out and cleaned up, unfortunately we lost all the tomatoes, and pretty much everything else as well from the 3 or 4 frosts we have had. Its all good though because were currently re-nourishing our beds with compost and manure! getting ready for our spring garden! Hopefully we will be moving the big ugly boat from the other side of the yard because were going to have our own little corn field in that spot! Ive got 2 types of Sweet Corn planted in the house in transplant packs in hopes to get them germinated and able to move out to our 25 by 15ft spot! Were hoping to get 2 nice sized squares of about 4-6 rows each! however were not doing beds for the corn but instead going to mound the rows with new soil compost and chicken manure! we have get a little chicken wire fence as well to put around it to keep any animals out.  Were super excited and will get some pictures up soon of the empty beds and our progress!

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