Tuesday, January 18, 2011

News: Spring Project Starting!

So we cleared out the yard hardcore and moved the 2 beds on the north side to the south.  We are renting a tiller on thursday and will then till the rest of the yard! Were going to turn half the yard into the container/square foot garden and the other half into a simple regular plot garden. We will be putting in 2 large 5x20 ft raised rows for sweet corn then another 2 4x15 ft raised rows for our potatoes and eggplant.  one bed will be dedicated to 2 types of watermelon, another dedicated to cucumbers probably 2 or 3 different types, another full of tomatoes again, a few cherries and a few large types ALL DETERMINATE, and the small tall box dedicated to carrots we got a short and sweet variety which only grow to about 4-6 inches but about 3 inches around, and the other bed were not sure about and up for suggestions.  Its the partial shade bed, so we have to figure out something that will work tomorrow I will get some pictures up and possibly a video! stay tuned for updates!!!


Check out the new video on the bar to the left! its the video from all the work we did for the Spring Season! should be the on on the bottom!

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