Tuesday, October 26, 2010

News: New Additions!

Okay so the Bok Choy didn't end up doing very well after a couple weeks and died off except for one plant, so we removed them from the first cement bed and added some really nice little Zucchini-Squash to the front, if all goes well they should get huge! We also pulled the snow peas up because we reconfigured the trellis situation, and planted them in a small circle where we placed a small tomato cage around them in hopes that they will climb away!  I didn't have enough room for the other two Zucchini-Squash plants because they get so big, however I planted them in 2 separate pots if anyone is interested in growing them I would be happy to hand them over just leave a comment on this post.  We also planted some Cucumber seeds in some trays, I believe they are Market more 76's to see what happens.  Janelle and mom also got some new herbs gong on, they planted some in some baskets we had laying around the house. Will have pics up later!

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