Sunday, October 24, 2010

Experiment: Pumpkins

In spirit of Halloween we carved pumpkins! They came out great and were lit up for a few nights on the porch. We had a blast making a mess cleaning them out, getting seeds and pumpkin goo everywhere! We roasted the seeds and found a few we forgot out on the porch. So we did what any plant loving gardener would do, planted them! We checked them daily and for about a week...nothing. A week and a half later, we have pumpkins sprouting! They will soon be transplanted and put in the garden. I highly recommend ANYONE trying this, from what we've read it is one of the easiest things to grow and with little work! We're so excited and have high hopes of carving our very own pumpkins next year, not to mention maybe some yummy pumpkin pies!

That's only 2 weeks after planting the seeds!

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