Wednesday, October 13, 2010

News: New Beds!!!

Cement Beds.
We made two more beds yesterday out of some old cement pavers we found laying around the yard!  They are about 4 feet wide by 3 feet long.  We built them right up against the fence that leads to our garden so we could plant some vine veggies that will climb! We've got some lima bean seeds planted right on the fence and some other bush beans growing in the other, along with some colorful  Bok Choy and a big beautiful Jalapeno I got for 4 bucks!!! It already has fruits growing and was neglected by the local nursery (it was growing 3 inches off the ground across a packed table about 3 feet across) I staked him up and he's already looking better!

The Jalapenos.

Two of the Bok Choy.

Bed 1, Were waiting to mulch the back until the row of bush beans sprout along the fence!

 Bed 2, one row of Lima Beans along the fence and 4 rows of bush beans between them and the Bok Choy.  Again waiting for them to sprout.

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