Sunday, October 24, 2010

News: Project Save The New Tomatoes!

So we had to build a new box yesterday to plant the new tomatoes that we took out of the buckets, and we decided to go with a smaller one this time.  We made a 7 by 3 foot box 8 inches tall instead of our normal 10 inches, and it turned out very nice.  It should be really interesting to see whether this box grows better than the first tomato box.  This new one has great soil and a lot of organic material also a lot of peat moss (which were trying for the first time) mixed in for good water retention and drainage.  We have a few different types of tomatoes in the new one including a hybrid yellow cherry, a heirloom variety called Mr. Stripey which looks kinda like a pumpkin, a couple big boys, a celebrity, a Phoenix and a better boy. We also added some marigolds to keep the root eating bugs away! check out the pics!

One Half.

Bad Picture I will get a better one tomorrow. 

Our first celebrities.

Better boys.

Hybrid Yellow Cherries.

The Mr. Stripey you can kinda see what they are gonna look like, pretty awesome!

We will be back with pics next week!

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